A Miracle

Wow.  You are all so amazing.  If we could hug and kiss everyone of you now we would.  Here it is: a huge cyber hug. Do you feel it? Thank you all so much for the love that you have been sending us all.  We feel it.  You're amazing...I'm at a loss for words....

But despite this loss: I'll forge on...
"The blog must go on!"

I was at my lowest point after writing that last post yesterday morning, so I decided to give 'praying for a miracle' a try.  I've never done it before and I knew it certainly couldn't hurt. 

Let me fill you in on what happened next:

1.  I showered in a CLEAN shower with hot water.
2.  Dr. Singh tracked Lincoln down while he was having an eeg and gave him quite a finger-waggin' pep talk, all the while letting him know how remarkable his speedy recovery is and how much she loves him
(I LOVE that woman).
3. A CURE to our doldrums came in the form of visitors.  First Aunt Mary and Uncle Chuck Cure and then Lincoln's lifelong ; ) friend Kyle, along with his twin sister, Kourtney, his mom Jody and his sister Eva.
4. SUSTENENCE arrived in the form of  a fresh, chocolate dipped edible fruit bouquet from Ms. Lucente, Mrs. Groudons and Ms. DaFoe ( Lincoln's teachers - I pray that I'm not leaving anyone out here - I've misplaced the card!).
5. Your COMMENTS started coming in and haven't stopped.

And how did all this affect our boy, you might ask? 
He laughed with his aunt and uncle, and pushed and joked with his friend Kyle,
like typical eleven year old boys do.
And his parents reveled in his happiness - and relaxed.
The day was miraculous.

More on the events of this day to come -  photos, details, etc.  I'll clarify the use of the words: effect and affect.  I'll learn when to use each of the following: colon, semicolon and comma. Teachers and Mrs. Persico - feel free to shoot me some answers here.  Correcting the errors in this blog is always right up there on my "to do" list, but I procrastinate.  So in keeping with my M.O.  - I'll do it later.  I will say one thing, (or many) - I am relishing  the artist's license I am taking by starting some sentences with "but", "and" and "so". 

And (there I go again!) thank you to the Baumman's who have offered to make the long trip to visit on Thursday.  Beginning today Lincoln will eat,sleep and breathe therapies, so visits during the day will be tough.
But, don't fret, Dear Reader....he may be up North sooner than you think....
: )


  1. My heart is lighter today. God Bless the miracles in life. The power of prayer and love have no bounds!

  2. JUST LIKE "DANDELION" We all pictured it , thought it, and it happened. Praise the Lord & holly barrie. heehee

  3. It's a blog... I don't think grammar and punctuation apply :)

    So glad to hear Lincoln (and the family) had a great day yesterday!

  4. How wonderful! So glad and jealous that my parents could see you guys. Really glad that everyone is in good spirits. Love you guys so much!! Love, Lauren & Dan

    Obvi I have been talking about you at work and sent the blog to a coworker who wanted to reply so here it is...

    Dear Lincoln,

    We have never met, but I work with your cousin Lauren and she told me you need everyone to pray for a speedy recover. What she didn't tell me, was how handsome you are on your blog pictures. There are people all over the world praying for you and God knows you need Him. We all need God in our lives. My favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 3:5,6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will direct your path." Whenever life gets tough, pray. We promise we will pray for you too. Debbie and Roy

  5. And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

    Anais Nin

  6. Awesome, wonderful, happy happy happy news :o) Thinking about you all and still sending that positive energy your way. Remember, my husband saw JC at Stewarts when he was getting his coffee, so he IS everywhere! Oh my, here you have found prayer, and here I am spewing out blasphemous statements! You know I am kidding, those stories are just too funny to let go. When you all do get back north, I'm coming with my margarita maker young lady and we are gonna party by the pool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love and hugs to you, Andy, and Lincoln - Told you you couldn't get rid of me...


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