Aseptic Meingitis

Aseptic meningitis is an illness characterized by serous inflammation of the linings of the brain (ie, meninges), usually with an accompanying mononuclear pleocytosis. Clinical symptomatology is varied and includes predominantly headache and fever. The illness is usually mild and runs its course without treatment; however, some cases can be severe and life threatening.
Aseptic meningitis syndrome is not caused by pyogenic bacteria, but can be caused by multiple conditions including infectious viral and nonviral causes and many noninfectious etiologies. Hence, this term is no longer synonymous with viral meningitis, although the two often are used interchangeably.
Aseptic meningitis is a common, rarely fatal condition usually caused by certain viruses. Fortunately, most people exposed to these viruses experience no symptoms or only mild symptoms without meningitis. Meningitis means inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord."  (can't remember the source)

This is the clinical term for what Lincoln has been experiencing.  You can tell that his steroids are being reduced again because the pain is back - and it's MEAN.  He's skipping a few of his therapies today to sleep.  This is a good thing.
Remember how much I hated it here a week ago?  I never dislike the doctors, it was the environment that I couldn't stand.  Well guess what, I'm used to it now.  It doesn't seem quite as dark as it did, and the quarters aren't quite as cramped.  There is no lock on the bathroom but even that doesn't matter anymore...I LOVE the care he gets here....and maybe I'm just nervous about leaving.  Either way, the doctors are SO GOOD here that he won't be going anywhere unless he's ready.


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