Poor Kid

He still feels horrible.  He can speak but doesn't.  Some nurses can get one word responses out of him and his dad got some words out of him last night but he generally doesn't want to utter a word to Mom.  This morning, however, he was feeling exceptionally bad because he did say a few words to me. He doesn't drink or eat but did express a craving to me so Dad is picking him up a frapaccino.  This will be the first of anything that he's had by mouth since Tuesday night (the Carl's cheesesteak).  Let's keep our fingers crossed...it's not quite the 'clear liquids' that one usually starts with after a surgery...we'll see.  We're onto our third room now.  We were moved to this one at 2am this morning.  Very tiny.  But the bathroom locks!


  1. Good luck with the frappacino!!

    Remember each day will be better than the last.

    Prayers thoughts and energy are still coming his way.

    mwah! xo

  2. I think craving a frappacino is a positive sign! The little fighter just needs time, he will come around when his body is ready. Hang in there and try to get some rest. I know, I know, you are not your main priority, but Lincoln will need your strength, so rest up! Thoughts and prayers are with you at all times. Love, Teri

  3. There will be ups and downs and as times goes by more ups than downs. Think of this as an up. As time goes by that new SUPER Powerful Hero will immerge. Love and prayers to all.

    Love Aunt MJ

  4. hi mom its eva i was just wondering if youcoul tell them how he spoke to me? eva

  5. Hey Lincoln,

    Im sorry that your hurting right now, but everyday your getting a little stronger and one day your going to wake up and feel like the superhuman hero you are!!

    Love you cousin


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