I Drank Andy's Coffee This Morning and I Shouldn't Have

because he drinks full test and now I'm jumping out of my skin.

 Just some things to mention while I sit here in this darkened room (not a dungeon, shades drawn so Lincoln may sleep).

1.  I forgot how we used to play classical music for Lincoln when he was a baby ALL THE TIME.  Our motto was "Got to build neuropathways!"  so we took him to museums and were always looking for ways to stimulate his brain.  We are in the same exact place now.  He has an entirely new body and a brain that is  working tirelessly to rewire and build new neuropathways.  Sooo onto Pandora I went and now he has Bach streaming into his brain as he sleeps.  I know certain classical music is better than others, but for now, until I figure it out, we'll stick with Bach and others like him (Mozart of the "Mozart Effect" is in order too).  Still rebooting.

2.  I found a type-o in the book I'm reading (on and off); Paula.  It was on page 64 and there was an "at" where there should have been an "an".  This brought me immeasurable pleasure.  As some of you may know I was Journalism/Editing minor in college ( of course you would NEVER know it from this blog!).  I like to believe that stress erodes memory (I think this is researched and documented but I forget - see what I mean?!) and I swear I lost most of my memories prior to Lincoln's birth.  So finding a type-o in a published book by a FAMOUS author that I hold in very high esteem is tantamount to finding the GOLDEN TICKET.  No disrespect at all toward Isabel Allende.

3.  I just heard a rumor that the neurosurgeons have said that Lincoln's most recent mri looks "better", which means we're going home(ish)!

4.  I met an angel two days ago in Union Square.  More on that later.

5.  While Lincoln is rebooting his way through much of the day and lunch....I devoured most of his lunch.  I was stunned to see that the food LOOKED GOOD, SMELLED GOOD and TASTED SURPRISINGLY GOOD.  Have you ever just taken a forkful of delicious chocolate cake that you had sitting on the counter?  You're intention is just to have one forkful, but it was such a tasty little forkful that you go in for another, and another, and another, and then you're attacking the cake without even thinking about it, until suddenly you come to and realize that you've brutalized the delicious chocolate cake that you made with love for your family, and then you feel sick, not so much from guilt, more from eating most of that very rich cake, well that's pretty much what just happened to Lincoln's lunch.  What was a beautiful Monet is now a Jackson Pollock.

6.  Andy is getting some much needed rest at the hotel, Lincoln is rebooting and I'm left to entertain myself.  Much too caffeinated to read, so Dear Reader, I am chatting at you.


  1. You are truly entertaining! You should use this time to research how you can go about getting this experience published. The Ups and Downs, the humor, the tears, it will be on the best sellers list, and Lincoln will be there in person as proof of what an amazing success story he truly is! Go on now, put your caffiene to work! Love you, you crazy girl!

  2. ohhhh I do so love you - keep up the stroking of my ego - it feels soooo good, ooooh yea....to the right a little.....up a little more...now a little to the left..... yeah that's it!

  3. Oh Steph, you are so silly. I agree, I think you should publish Lincoln's story... Something like "Lincoln's 'emancipation proclamation' from seizures"

    I'd buy it :)

    Love you all!

  4. I love that title - now we have to do it! Andy said "it rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?"


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