
Busy day so far!  Thank goodness my smelly son had a sponge bath because…HE HAD COMPANY TODAY!  His friend from school came with his dad.  Yipee!  Tim and Joseph Russ.  Joseph is such a caring and empathetic young man.  He talked and talked with Lincoln, while Lincoln listened and really tried to stay awake…beautiful!  I could just squeeze his little face and cover him with kisses all over again!  Lincoln was very happy, gave him and his dad 5.  So freakin’ cute.  It was really such a wonderful thing to see.  Joseph and his family made Lincoln a festive “Feel Better Soon!” sign to hang in the room.  It’s hanging from the window now.  Tim is from NYC (or near) and really helped me decode the whole subway system colors and numbers – I am determined to learn subways and busses. 
Lincoln also had a physical therapy session today.  It was five minutes long and consisted of trying to lift the left arm (he has lost most of it) and standing.  After that the poor kid was exhausted.  But we weren’t done yet… I took him for two spins around the ward (what a perfect word choice here) in a wheel chair then propped him up to watch TV (yep, the doctors encourage it).  One of these photos show him after he fell asleep in front of the TV.
Dr. Weiner came in and was delighted to see that Lincoln’s eyes were open.  He said things to his colleague like, “Isn’t this AMAZING?  He just had surgery TWO DAYS AGO!”  He’s talking to me a bit more, or actually answering my questions a bit more.  I swear he gave me a tiny laugh when I said, for the 1000th time, “Release the Kraken!” when I held the hand urinal for him.  Right Andy, haven’t we been waiting for him to respond to our humor for DAYS?
One last thing to say, and I know Amy S., Amy R. and William can understand this…God help me get through the hours and hours of my roommate’s LOUD TV.  That’s all.
Oh, they’re giving him a sugar IV now to see if that will get him eating again.
I finished Chocolat (what a godsend).  Will start Like Water For Chocolate next.  It’s one of my favorite books.
He said that he would drink a Dunkin Donuts light and sweet, decaf if I got it.


  1. I cannot tell you how good Joseph feels about seeing Lincoln. He was so worried all week, and the blog helped but he still wanted to see him for himself. It meant so much to him that you wanted and allowed him to see Lincoln. Thanks again! Everyday little steps and in no time he is going to be the same boy that we all know and love!

  2. The pic. of Lincoln & Joseph is adorable, but the one of him sleeping in front of the TV is heart wrenching. What a wonderful, precious young man. You two (Andy & Steph) have become heros to so many, including us. Sleep well my 2 darlings

  3. Joseph, you are a great friend! I wish I had recorded your conversation with Lincoln yesterday because it was totally awesome! Thanks for visiting (and thanks to Dad, too) really was great! Hope the car show was awesome too!

  4. I forgot to comment on "Release the Kracken!!" ..FINALLY!!!! There must be a BIG laugh coming... b/c you can't not respond to Steph's humor without eventually blowing your cork!! ... and she's said it E-V-E-R-Y-T-I-M-E she holds the urinal.... The funny must build up somewhere! I tried changing it up a bit...messing with letters, sounds, metaphors and throw in a quick onomatopoeia... that didn't work either.. so we knew, when he wouldn't laugh at MY advanced humor, that he wasn't feeling well... But YOU DID IT STEPH!!!!! FanTASTic!!!!

  5. Andy, the boys had a great time at the car show. Joseph said that they only thing that was missing was being able to share it with Licoln. Tim agreed! They took a ton of pictures, even some with the car "girls", if you get my drift. Joseph was so happy and now I think that now he is able to relax, he was really worried that we were hiding something from him. Thanks again to you and Stephanie for allowing Joseph to visit It meant the world to him. I also have to say that he was glad to see Stephanie, he was woried about her also.


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