Sunday morning

Chest x-ray came back clean and everything else looks normal too.  So it doesn't really seem like there is an infection.  However, if he doesn't improve soon they will do a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) on him to see if there is an infection in the brain or spinal fluid. He's in tons of pain (17 on a scale of 1-10), but that is to be expected with recovery from a surgery of this size.  So it all looks okay - but not good enough for us to go to Sunnyview.  We will be staying for a few more days and that's alright, I'd rather deal with these issues here than at home.  His doctors are phenomenal.


  1. HUGS AND KISSES TO ALL. Hang in there! Better to be there where his doctors are just minutes away. Praying as hard as possible.

  2. So sorry to hear that you will be staying there longer, you say, it is the best place to be at this time. Hang tough dear cousin, will continue to keep you all in our thoughts. Although Lincoln has never heard of the "Miracle" superhero, I still believe it is fitting for him and trust all will be well. Love you bunches!

  3. Hello everyone Lincoln you are soooo handsome in these pictures all i hear is will you leave me be and sleep . Rick thru all his surgeres the only thing I think he hasnt had done is brain but he always needs sleep right or wrong sometimes the dr. have to catch up to give his body what it needs Cole this may be you Tell them every thing you feel no matter what!!!!! you are a strong being so they will listen or mom and dad will ensure they do !!!!

  4. Well, I was enjoying the posts until I got to this one. You're right tho, better to be in NYC for this than back home. Hope he makes a speedy recovery!


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