
Oh I forgot to tell you!  Andy spent the night here last night while Eva and I stayed at the apartment.  He slept so deeply that he did not hear lincoln GET OUT OF BED ON HIS OWN to use the bathroom.  A nurse found him and now Lincoln is labeled as a "Safety Alert" or something like that, he's been tagged as someone who can't be trusted.  A blemish on our family name.  Andy was oblivious and woke this morning with a swollen uvula because he was snoring so loudly.  (Remember I told you in a previous post how I hate when the dads sleep over because they snore?  I feel like I should apologize to the two other mothers in our room).


  1. LOl Classic! I can send you Jeff's face mask he is supposed to wear, but doesn't.
    Nice job Lincoln!! When you gotta go you GOTTA go! :)

  2. Poor Andy,If I could I would kiss your sore uvula. What was that I heard Andrew, YUCK. Lincoln, you go boy!!! You don't need no stinking help.You're like the hulk, only not green. XXXOOO

  3. Independence, Determination, Motivation!!! what more can you ask for. (Incase someone in the rehabiltation center is reading this.. you need to be careful), ok their gone. YEAH!

  4. You go Lincoln (literally and figuratively of course)! And next time, stick your Dad's hand in warm water!

  5. Way to go SUPERHERO!!!!!!!!!! Hey, like Aunt Kara said when you got to go, you got to go. And what is a uvala anyhow and how in he-- would one kiss it? Boy talk about dumb, I guess I was asleep during that class study in Bio.

  6. TMI: I didn't know men HAD uvulas!!!!!!!!!!!! That just seems so personal....and it was SWOLLEN.....I think I need to go shower now.

    Keep up the good work.


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