First day of rehab

Oh my, they don't fool around here!  I'm sitting in the only sunny spot in this facility - I'm a sun hoarder - I'll fight for a window - and every half hour I see Lincoln wheeled from one room to the next.  A dizzying array of faceless people (mostly women) pushing his chair.  It's like time-lapsed photography.  Today is his first day of therapy and he goes NONSTOP all morning, then lunch (not sure how long), then back to therapy until around 4pm.  Wow, quite an adjustment for a kid who has been in bed for a week.  He looks very sad, but that could be the droopy face.  I asked him once if he was okay and he quietly, without a smile, assured me that he was.  My heart breaks a little, but he's also making me laugh a little.  His day is a flurry of activity.  He looked much better this morning - more like himself.

Thanks to all of you for the book recommendations.  I love them.

Oh- once my camera charges I'll put up current pictures.
Wish I could take a little picture of my tiny little spot in the sun.


  1. A secretary at the girls school(who is following the blog and praying) recommended Click on books and audio then click on good reads for adults. She said there are some great books in there.


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