He's Home!

And that means I am too. Thank You, God! The first thing we did was raid the fridge - even before taking jackets off, sunglasses on and all. Then I laid him down on the couch, covered him in a nice blanket so he could get the much needed rest he's been craving. What do you know, he asked to eat more. With a very full belly, he willingly went to sleep in his own, clean bed, with no roommates. I took a nap too and can you guess what I did as soon as I got up? That's right, made a bee line for the fridge. I was actualy HUNGRY again. The food is so delicious. Thank you so much. Once we got to Sunnyview I lived on the Girl Scout cookies that Julianne so graciously brought up, food was quite a distance away and I never thought to take out cash from an ATM, and the cafeteria didn't accept my debit card (which is okay because the place smellls like poo anyway) and Lincoln never wanted me to leave (crazy right? - after ignoring me for so long, turns out he loves me ; )....anyway.....We were very, very, very hungry for good food. Bless you Jody - she brought hot Homestyle (best in the world) pizza last night, but by the time we got to it it was cold...I'll stop rambling. Will fill you all in on where we go from here later. As for now, I'm acclimating to my new environment. It's QUIET. Here are some pics that I like. Nice to see Lincoln's old smile, which I have no doubt, will be back in NO TIME.

Thank you Andy for ALL of your work around the house. Now please just REST.


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