Aww!! Steph might be upset...

But we had a visitor just now.. I'll post his picture.. Lincoln slept through the visit, but I chatted with the guy and he said to give his love to Steph (I'll do my best), Lincoln and Eva, and KEEP UP the GOOD WORK, Lincoln! His transformation (in X-Men Origins: Wolverine) was a lot easier than what Lincoln is doing!!


  1. Wow what a wonderful visitor to have! Too bad Steph wasn't there to hear the conversation ;)
    He is soooo right...keep up the good work Lincoln!!

  2. Steph-isn't that how things always work out?! Leave the room for a couple hours and in walk the famous. Speaking of celebrity encounters...My brother was walking my parents dog in downtown Philadelphia last night after the Phillies game and my brother got stopped by bodygaurds because Snoop Dogg was coming through. On his way through Snoop gave our dog a pat on the head. My only celebrity sighting was Joey Fatone (N'Sync) at Planet Hollywood in the city. Lame... :)

  3. So how jealous are you Steph?

    Loving to read all the updates this Monday morning.

  4. I KNOW! What are the chances! Man, it really is Murphy's Law!


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