Oh I Forgot!

I have to type quickly  bc the internet cuts off after about eight minutes.

I forgot to tell you, Dear Readers, about the only 'conversation' Lincoln has had since surgery.  Last night his sister, Eva, was on the phone and she wanted to talk her brother.  I told her he was sleeping but she could talk into his ear anyway.  Well, I held the phone up to his ear, and, get this, HE OPENED HIS EYES AND TALKED TO HER.  I don't know how to find speakerphone on my phone (two tin cans linked with string) so I'm not sure what she said but I know she told him she loved him and missed him and hoped he felt better.  He replied to her questions with one word answers.  I can't remember exactly what she said, you can look to her blog for that (I will too), but I do know that Andy and I stood there with our jaws dropped to the ground.  No Way!  They really, really miss each other.  It was exactly like when they were babies and no one else could motivate Lincoln to work on a certain therapy, etc... well Eva would crawl nearby and BAM he'd follow and do whatever it was that his parents and therapists were pleading with him to do all along.  She is remarkable.  She's the 'Lincoln Whisperer'.  When I brought the phone back to my ear, I could hear her crying.  When I asked if she was crying, she quickly told me no and that she was okay.  I could clearly imagine her wiping her eyes and steadying her voice so she wouldn't make me upset.  She's been through so much and she's always thinking of our feelings.  I can't say enough about my Cookie.


  1. Eva is amazing just as her parents.

  2. SOOOO beautiful. I'm sure your chest are full of pride. Was not aware that I could love you all anymore ,but man my chest is bursting.

  3. Hi it's eva it made me cry I'm such a wimp I'm gamma c all and ask if I can speak to him again it just felt so good!

  4. Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. This blog is so full of love and miracles. It is an inspiration to all who need reminding of the power of human strength and spirit. Love, love, love to all of you.
    Holly & Family

  5. Hello Murphy clan!! I am getting all caught up reading your blogs and when I stop my incessant sobbing, I will write something beautiful and inspirational! This is no easy task, mind you, considering all the strength and wisdom already flowing through your incredible updates. You are ALL truly, truly AMAZING! Love to Lincoln, Eva, Stephanie and Andy - miss you guys more then you know.

  6. You are the most amazing family. I am so grateful to know all of you. You are all in my prayers and my love is with all of you! Denise took the words right out of my mouth, I must have gone through a box of tissues with all of these wonderful thoughts! God bless and a speedy recovery to the Superhero! Love, Carla

  7. It's just like when I was a small child...Steph and I were so close it was uncanny! I'm sure you feel the same way Steph.... (please know... to all those who don't know me...don't take anything I say seriously) I could go on...but I'll try to refrain.

    Mucho Love,

  8. This made me cry as well,they are truly wonderful children and i feel blessed to have you all as a part of my family :) that is amazing that it happened its that brother and sister bond that just goes on forever i guess <3


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