I should start making things up...

Not much to report here.  He's still so exhausted and not at all thrilled about his therapy schedule.  He's sad.  He's having visitors today so that should pep him up a lot, we'll have to work something out so he can still sleep between therapies.  He prefers to have his dad here.  I understand.  I think he directs all his anger, sadness, hopelessness and frustration on me.  That's okay and it's understandable.  I think today is going to be one of those days that start out poorly and end on a good note.  He still complains of such bad headaches and eye pain, and he had a bloody nose this morning.  Got to check this out with the doctor.  Thanks for reading.


  1. Hey Stephanie - just wanted to let you know that I am following your blog - Julianne forwarded it to me. Lincoln is contantly in our thoughts - I know he is working hard and exhausted. Keep up the good work, Lincoln! Happy thoughts from your part-time neighbors - Dawn, Chris, Fiona, Nuala and Keara Hang in there!


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