Earth Day

Hi.  I don't really know how to start this today.  It just doesn't feel right to blather  on here when there is so much extreme, unimaginable and unbearably heavy sadness in my family.  Andy and I are so blessed to have tightly knit families.  The Mark's passing has created meteoric size gulf in our family and it just doesn't feel right to type on.

Lincoln is doing better.  Yesterday his pain lessened a bit, and today when asked how his head felt he answered, "Good." for the the first time since before the surgery.  So we began the day without Motrin.   As the morning progressed the pain came back with a vengeance and he was give Motrin.  Therapies were tough for him, but he worked so very hard.  He's taking his mid-morning nap now.   We are in a new room and I will post about our roommate soon, a very, very sad story.  We are waiting....waiting...waiting...for the results of Lincoln's most recent mri (last night).  If all looks good then we are out of here tomorrow (I've heard that before ; )

The movie "Ocean " is in theaters today.  He might be up for it today.


  1. Even during times of sadness and loss there are moments to rejoice.

  2. you are absolutely right, thank you.

  3. Mark was such an incredible force in our family I know that he would not want you to stop with your postings.
    He will never be forgotten but as with Aunt Theresa's and Uncle Tony's passing (boy can you image the welcome Mark got from them yesterday) this too will bring us all closer and value each other even more. We will cry at each of our tragedies and laugh all that much louder with all our victories. Yes there will be times to rejoice again.

  4. HI Steph.... I check with Dan and you are correct Bach, Beethoven, or Mozart are all great for building "neuropathways".
    Thinking of you
    Sue and Dan

  5. Steph & family, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your cousin, so young... My heart goes out to you, along w/ extra prayers for Mark & his family.


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