Monday (no idea of the actual date)

He can SHOWER today and I'm pretty sure that we're moving to rehab.  The sun is shining, it's such a beautiful day!


  1. When ever Lincoln and Eva are involved the SUN ALWAYS SHINES!

  2. It is most certainly a beautiful day!

  3. It certainly is a beautiful day! I just watched the video of Lincoln walking, or should I say running! Simply beautiful! Have a great day. Will be anxiously awaiting word on what super things Lincoln accomplishes today. Love.

  4. Rehab! I proubably will be going someday my...oh for Lincoln!!! I can't believe how fast he was "walking" in the video! Here I woke up in an ordinary Monday, and now I have a smile on my face.

  5. It's a beautiful spring day here in Albany as well. What makes it even more special was watching the video of Lincoln walking and seeing his beaming face in the pics w/Uncle T and Eva!! Truly overwhelming!!

    Lincoln, Keep up the good work Buddy! Your super hero powers will get stronger each day!

    Sending giant hugs to you and Mommy in NYC and Daddy and Eva back home!

    Much Love,

  6. Lincoln-you may not realize it and may never fully comprehend how inspiring you truely are. Ever since the day you were born I was in awe of your determination and dedication to live life to its fullest. Your latest video of you walking around the hospital brought tears to my eyes-such a beautiful sight!!!

  7. Wonderful News!! So glad to hear the surgery went well and Lincoln is running through the halls already. Lincoln, we all miss you at Greenville. Keep up the great work.
    Mrs. Knowles

  8. Loved, loved, LOVED the video!! You rock Lincoln!!! And Steph, maybe those two big nurses will give you a sponge bath if you can't get the shower to work. On second thought, I'm sure you fooled them all with your secret layering trick. :o)
    Hugs and kisses, Denise


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