
Hi everyone.  Lincoln can have visitors between 4-8pm but I needed to let you know that:

1.  He's still really tired and since therapy bootcamp has started, he has no time to nap during the day.  So by 4pm he is very tired, by 8pm he is exhausted.  

2.  Be prepared for his new "no- affect" affect.  Which means it will appear as if he doesn't care that you're there, when actually he really does.  His eyes dart around too, like he's checking for the nearest exit...but don't take it personally...I'll do that for you (ha!)

...and once again, maybe he's just tired of being with his mom (what!?  Does he know how COOL I am?!  Well, I'll just have to tell him!)

New and Updated Thank Yous go out to:
Julianne, Amelia, Olivia, Thomas and Kevin - for a whole ton of stuff and instant orgainic ramen noodles, etc - that is just BRILLIANT - it's pretty tough to hunt down some healthy, edible food around here - can you tell that I am holding off so I can make them last and savor them?  I think you also gave Lincoln the very large gift certificate to the movies - but I can't be sure because by the time I got here on Sunday it looked as if a pack of little puppies destroyed the gift  bag.  So I don't know who gave what.

To the Mulhollands - thank you for the red bag and  the Knights, the shell that will grow

To the McAneny's - thank you for the Dunkin Donuts gift certificate - are  you reading this blog?  How did you know that he loves Boston Cream donuts?  - and the beautiful cards that the kids made.  so so so sweet.

To whoever gave the "Dwight" poster - perfect!  We have to get some surgical tape so we can hang it on the wall - Lincoln has a really great sense of humor and he loves The Office and we love what the bottom of the poster says: "I am ready to face any challenges that might be foolish enough to face me".  Inspiration from Dwight, that's too funny.  This poster gets a big laugh from him.

Thanks to Mrs. Gray for the cards especially the singing rodent (?) one  big smile from that one.

Thanks to Mrs. Zwickel for the very sweet cards


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