Cole Breaks Out 2

Lincoln escaped last night.  He was feeling really good (we love the steroids).  It was like the old Lincoln was back (even his smile).  We pretended that we were sneaking out - hence the head scarf ($3 from a street vendor - beautiful).  He was disguised as an elderly woman - and get this: the security guard that I usually joke with suggested
that we take "her" to see the river park
across the street.  Lincoln got a big kick out of that!  We perused the titles at the local Borders and hung out in the lobby of the local movie theater.   Even though Lincoln's brain isn't ready for the stimulation of a movie yet he still wanted to hang out in the lobby.  The two videos are sideways because I forgot that I can't rotate movies like I can photos - I am truly sorry.  Of course he is saying, "Release the Kraken" in front of the "Clash of the Titans" poster.  Prior to surgery he was reading How to Train Your Dragon, the book that the movie is based on.  In this video he is speaking "Dragonese" which can be translated into: "My mum doesn't like it when you bite her on the bum".  Andy and I were so impressed that he remembered this.  We are sooooooo lucky and blessed - it seems he's retained all of his memory.  Although the speech therapist is nothing less that FREAKED OUT by how needy he is. (processing - expressive and receptive, plus a whole lot more).  But all things in time - and we'll figure this out too.
Good God, look at that smile!


  1. Woohoo Lincoln you look and sound fantastic!!!!

    You are a funny boy! :)

  2. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PIC TO DATE! That smile is worth a thousand words.

  3. Those pics and videos were awesome. I liked that he misses Eva the size of a donut hole, hahaha. I am holding special presents hostage until your move, don't want to miss ya speedy Gonzales.


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