Lincoln had his first Physical Therapy session today

It lasted five minutes and he begged to go back to sleep the whole time.  Poor kid.  He has been sleeping all day.  He had about two (forced) sips of his frappacino (sp???)  and now we're trying to entice him with Dr. Pepper - a forbidden fruit at home.  He's still rebooting.


  1. Hi Lincoln and Family. Dan and I are think of you and just want to send you one of our favoite quotes "the steeper the mountain the harder the climb the better the view from the finishing line"

  2. That is a step in the right direction! WOO-HOO! It is good to see him sitting up, and I have to agree, I do not want to exersise for five minutes either (sounds too much like work, sleeping sounds like more fun). Just let him know that we said keep up the great work!

  3. He is such a beautiful child and what a thrill to see him awake and sitting up! You are going to be amazed at how well and how quickly things will progress!
    Love to you all.

  4. These pics. make 2 grammas & grampa very happy. Kids that is such a beautiful ,peaceful pic. of our boy.

  5. Yeah Lincoln! I am so happy to see you up. Your amazing! Even though you don't feel like it you are a hero! Adventures of Knifarine will be bigger and stronger than ever.
    Much, Much Love..

  6. Good Morning!!!!!! How are u again? I'm fine but mR. HALLER GAVE US A HUGE TEST to study for over break. See you Soon. olivia


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