Phase Three

We've now made it onto Phase III of this blog.  
Phase I was Research and Development
Phase II was the Actual Surgery and Acute Rehabilitation
now Phase III is Rehabilitation and Recovery of use

So now I am researching therapies to try in addition to what he'll be getting through outpatient therapy at Sunnyview for (roughly) the next month.

One of the first therapies I'm going to try at home is called "Mirror Box Therapy", however I will not be using a box.  At least not immediately.  My dear friend, and stellar Occupational Therapist, Carol, called me from Toronto after learning of this therapy.  It was originally intended for individuals with 'phantom limb pain' but was found to be successful with stroke patients as well.   It simply involves retraining the brain.  And we're all over that!  So if you have a few minutes, check out this link.  Doug, the old man in the video is ADORABLE.

(click on the link below to see Doug)


  1. Phase III!!! I bet you it felt like it never was gonna come, yet it is here. Your in your own home, with your own surroundings and the dogs, and even your drinking glass and plates are exciting. Keep posting, I will keep checking! I feel relieved.



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