God is telling me to STAY DIRTY

Okay, so I have tried, I really have.  I wanted to give Lincoln a sponge bath, but the water came out of the faucet BROWN, no lie.  I wanted to take a shower, and it is a process, let me tell you.  The former bather left dirty wet towels on the floor and soggy paper towels on the floor of the shower.  To take a shower here and actually remain clean after exiting I have to have everything all laid out, clean clothes hung on the hooks waiting for my pristinely clean self to hop into ....I have a process.  Well, what do you know, everything's all set, I'm no longer wearing the clothes I've been wearing in various combinations for several days now, I go to step in the shower and what do you know?  I'm hit with ice cold water. I wait, because surely this cannot be.  It's just comical.  So I put my filthy clothes back on, layered in yet another order (I just change the order of the layers - looking quite Madonna circa late '80s now), pack up ALL of my stuff, and leave.  I had to laugh to myself, since my clothes are worn a bit differently now, do you think people might believe I showered?  I did put on deodorant.

You want to know what Lincoln is doing now?  Yep, he's sleeping.  Still rebooting....  They've taken blood to check his meds level.  Maybe his seizure meds are too high now.  

I am slowly going out of my mind with boredom.  Finished Like Water for Chocolate  yesterday.  Not as good as I remember.  Am currently reading Paula by Isabel Allende, possibly not the perfect choice for this hospital stay.

My goal for today (while Lincoln sleeps on and on and on):  
Find a laundromat that    a) does not lose my laundry and          b) actually cleans my laundry


  1. Steph,

    You are cracking me up!!! You poor thing, yes, stay dirty and smelly for that matter!! LOL! Brush your teeth and wash your face w/brownish water, pull your hair back and poof, you're as good as new!!

    Love you dear cousin...keep your chin up! You're doing an amazing job balancing all that's on your plate. Truly sorry about no hot water and the slob you had to clean up after. YUCK! Maybe later...maybe not. I'm sure Lincoln doesn't mind, he's just glad to see you each time he opens his eyes. And to H - - L with the rest!


  2. Take Andy's iPhone and buy all kinds of entertaining apps!
    Maybe start reading dirty romance novels too! Heeheehee!
    As for the laundromat I have contacted some old friends that live in or near the city to see if they have any recommendations. I will keep you posted!
    Being clean is overrated anyway!

  3. I never shower and I have one in my house. Everyone stays away from me and I don't mind it. hehe.


  4. Hey Kara, think Jeff would lend her the IPAD, her pics would be in color and MUCH more entertaining!!!!!!!!!

  5. Did I not teach you about taking a whores bath, a little baby powder and you're good to go!

  6. Hi Stephanie,

    The video is AMAZING. Reboot or not, looks like he's downloaded some serious coordination.

    Wow the shower thing is horrible. Absolutely no suggestions there, I don't know that there is any other one to sneak into. Do you know there are laundry facilities in Rusk? Don't recall what floor, but was cheap and always empty.. only a couple of machines.

    Hope you get to move soon, and conditions improve. Cesare never went to rehab (one wonders why we were never referred there- had to do it all at home).

    Christian is still there... wired, you know the look?

    Books I have read that were funny and diverting: (All memoirs)
    A Girl Named Zippy, Haven Kimmel
    Devil in the Details, Jennifer Traig
    Bill Bryson is an aquired taste, but I cry when I read him. A Walk in the Woods about walking the Appalachian Trail was as sarcastic and dry as could be. Perhaps one of these will make you giggle a little.
    Oh, and: http://www.mediaite.com/online/release-the-kraken-the-internet-has-a-fun-new-media-meme/

    Submit a Kraken.

    Best to you all,

  7. That's it! Andy here is your chance to get an iPad. It's for Stephanie(wink wink).

    Seriously would be great to have too bad the 3G isn't out yet.

  8. Oh, suuurre! Listen to "God" when it talks to you...


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