"That's AMAZING!!"

Steph and I have known since DAY ONE that Lincoln is an AMAZING boy. He was a fighter then, and he's been winning countless, ceaseless battles ever since. He DOES have superhuman strength! We see it ALL the time! He is the most LOVING, FUNNY, and COURAGEOUS person (of any age) that I know... Watch this video... it is of Lincoln taking a stroll around the pediatric wing at NYU, just less than four days after his surgery. ( !!! ) Wow.


  1. Astounding!!! I'm jumping for joy! He IS amazing! That is the absolute Best thing to see on this fine morning. God bless you all.

  2. INCREDIBLE!! I agree with Dad BEST thing to see!!You go Lincoln! I am so proud of you more than you could possibly know!

  3. Way to go SuperCole, you are awesome!

  4. OH MY GOD. Thank You Jesus.What a GLORIOUS sight.!!!! Lincoln, I truly believe now you are from Planet X. You have given me super powers today,I could conquer anything now. Thank you love, for the gift of you. XXOO

  5. SO exciting!! You're truly amazing Lincoln!

  6. WooHoo !! remarkable Lincoln! keep it up little buddy...can't wait to see you.

  7. He walked so smoothly and i dont have speakers on my comp so normally i cant watch videos but this was amazing and required no sound :) Go LINCOLN you truly are an inspiration!!

  8. He rocks! That is so wonderful!


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