Lincoln Busts Out 2.1

WE LOVE YOU EVA!!! And we miss you like mad!!


  1. Hey mom and dad you both look pretty good today too! Steph how much caffeine did you ingest ? What a great site to see his beautiful smile and talking. You are awesome Lincoln.

  2. Do I see a full smile?!!!! WOOHOO it's coming back! Amen.

  3. WOW! What a change - Lincoln - you look great, and your smile is as big as the ones on your mom and dad!! Terrific!!

  4. Yes!! doesn't it look like his smile is coming back? And - yes, Mom, can you tell I had caffiene? I was ready to start jogging with him in that wheelchair - had for force myself to take it easy.

  5. Hey Cole...

    WHAT UP?! I heard you've been sleeping like rumplestillskin and I have to tell you that I do to all the time. Naps are my favorite, unfortunatly for me its just cause im lazy and college life is tiring. And you drink coffee?? Your on your way to being a college kid little buddy!!!

    love you

  6. Hello Steph, I have started introducing Lincoln's story to my first grade class. They are so interested in his surgery and his BRAIN!!! I think they have a million questions for him. I'll have them write to him. That will give the little man something to do (though....if he's anything like me when I was a child...that's the last thing I'd want to do....write letters to first graders!!!) Who knows...he might enjoy the attention. ROCK STAR!!

    So keep the PG pictures coming. The kids love it. The loved the scar.....I think some of them were going to throw up!!!!




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