Lincoln's day

Man, Lincoln had a day today that makes me jealous! He slept till noon.. then he woke up and went back to sleep! I got him up at one to go to a therapy, but when we got to the room we were told that they don't have "Explorer's Group" on Fridays! So he was thrilled and returned (with my help) to the sleeping position. Then they came in from Explorer's Group, wondering why Lincoln wasn't there... I explained what happened and said Lincoln wasn't going anywhere now. I got him up at 2 for "Ambulation" and "Long Sit" therapies.. and he fought me. I promised him that I would let him sleep at three IF he got up and gave them his BEST (boy, he gave me his best in my cupped hands last night! I was surprised to discover how much vomit one can successfully catch and hold in one's cupped hands!) for an hour.. He DID give them his best for an hour and we returned to 509 for some well-deserved R&R. After removing his shoes, lifting him up and lying him onto his bed, covering his shivering body and kissing him on his new forehead, I praised his efforts and bade him goodnight! ...and in walked a therapist who had missed him in the morning, ready to work him a bit... Lincoln, if you don't already know this, doesn't take naps. He NEVER wants to nap... so when he says he just wants to sleeeeeeeppp!! you know he means it. He whimpered and begged to be left alone to sleep today. And, as Lincoln does, he worked with the therapist for about 30 minutes, giving his best, of course, and was FINALLY allowed to sleep! He didn't eat any lunch.. I fed him about 8 spoonfuls of cheerios for breakfast... and didn't eat dinner. He HAS drank about 40+ ounces of water and swigs of a fruit smoothie.. He has been complaining (another uncharacteristic behavior) of a headache that the Tylenol doesn't touch.. So we received an order for something stronger and he just took it at 8pm. Hopefully it takes the pain away!! Tonight, this lucky boy will be sharing space with his Dad! Dr Magill just came in, as did our food... Gotta run!


  1. great to see you doing so well..grand ma & pa cure

  2. Today Lincoln I hope you get to sleep, have no headache and can keep your food in your tummy!

    That being said you are such an amazing boy. Even though all you want to do is sleep you still get up and do the really hard work. That takes serious superhero strength!
    I am in awe of you.
    I wish I could be there to give you a hug and see your handsome smile.
    I love you and want you to know that every day, several times a day, you are in my thoughts and prayers and I feel blessed to say you are my nephew!


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