No word yet... It's 6:50

...and unfortunately, I've discovered if I lean a certain way, I can see people coming off the elevator..through the courtyard, through a far window....and I can't stop looking! It's been fiiiiiinnnne for a while... but it's getting to be not fine... although I am CERTAIN that ALL IS FINE...... still... I'm just saying
AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I SO wish this was an R-Rated blog!! I'd let out some steam like a good Irish sailor should!!! (noooo... just curse up a storm!!)
I don't know how we'll do it... but AS SOON as the Docs come down, we will post a quickie to letchall know :)
I'm going to post a pic of what i'm looking at... there are two trees.. just to the left of the tree on the right is the elevator... well, i just realized.. it's only one of three or four :( Ok! Good! My cue to stop watching!!


  1. You could always go outside and let off a little steam.. Think about it this way you are never going to see those people on the street again and what is the worst that can happen... they may have some chocolate or alcohol? You are in NYC there is nothing that you can do or say that would shock the other NY'ers! :-)

  2. You're right... I don't know that anyone in the entire city has even noticed my utilitarian style and use of the Black color spectrum... Their loss

  3. And a good Irish Sailor you are!!


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