Constraint Induced Movement Therapy

Here's the next therapy we're  going to be insisting on and if we can't get anyone to do it with us we'll do it ourselves with him.  We did this with him when he was a baby without even knowing it had a name.  It's really like deja vu (all over again ; ).   Lincoln will be attending a two week "Constraint Induced Movement Therapy Camp" this summer through NYU (Rusk Institute).  (click on the link, hint hint)

As of now he has absolutely no use of the left hand or arm below the elbow. 

 But not for long.  
He's Knifarine.


  1. If you are going to save the world and all it's people KNIFARINE, than you better start working on getting stronger. I will remind you once again of your moms words many years ago when you first started with your therapy - "THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH IN THIS HOUSE". You saved the world once KNIFARINE, you will do it again.!!!!!!


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