Tough night for him. The anesthesia and morphine make him vomit.  He's finally sleeping.  Just waiting to go for another MRI to make sure things look good inside the brain.  His eyes are back to normal.  He has lost the use of his left hand but this should improve in a bit - and everyone feels with intensive therapy he should do okay.  He was initially freaked out by it.  He's lifting it with his right hand.  But for now he's sleeping, or trying to.  Doctors and nurses of all types are prodding him with fingers and questions.  It's all necessary so no one's complaining.  His face is beginning to swell.  All signs look very good.  Pictures to follow soon.


  1. Hang in there, you have come so far! Things can only get better.

  2. Thank you for the updates. Know it is an effort. Love you all.

  3. Stay strong and please let Lincoln know that we are all sending him all of our strength along with our love.

  4. Thanks!
    Love you all.

    ps There is a new silly short movie on Eva's blog! :)

  5. Hey guys, my father in law makes special quilts for special people and he has offered to make lincoln one. Wooo! I just got mine two years ago, so I just need to know what his favorite colors are. I can gues but I thought I would ask first. Let me know!!

  6. Happy Birthday Stephanie! and Happy Birthday to Lincoln's new lease on life!

  7. Happy Birthday Stephanie :)
    my mom wants you know your cell for a delivery.
    tell lincoln we are all thinking of him!!! :)
    --Susan and Ms Lucente

  8. Hi Steph-So happy to hear the news!! Please tell Lincoln I am thinking about him. You are all in my prayers.
    Denise Mulholland

  9. Way to go,Cole!! You are all in my prayers.
    "Happy Birthday Steph"

    Aunt MJ

  10. Thanks for sharing the journey.
    You and Andy are certainly a blessing to Lincoln.
    Prayers are continuing.


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