Sunday Afternoon

This is what he looks like now.
He can take Motrin now.  It' s working and he's sleeping like baby.  Even making little snoring noises.  We hope that he sleeps all day and wakes a happy boy.

This is what our room looks like before "house cleaning" (me).  Eva is watching TV (holy neck strain).  That is the chair that we sleep in.  This is the size of our room.

We propped Lincoln up after a few hours of sleep.  This was yesterday with Uncle Chuck and Eva.


  1. What great pictures. I hope he sleeps all day too! I kind of want to jump in the second picture and crawl in bed with him. That sounds a little weird, huh? Oh well it is me. I can't comment when i am at work which is most of the time. but,i am spending all my time that i should be working looking at the blog and thinking of you all. Loving you guys a little too much now, if that is possible. xxxx oooo

  2. Just Patti checking in saying hi! and that I am sorry that your not going to be closer to home tomorrow! you will!! your gonna bust out sooner or later, just that we much want you here sooner than later. Thinking of you!!



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