
Well, was having a pretty crummy day.  You start feeling like a caged rat after a while.  Andy left for home and I miss Cookie.  I absolutely CANNOT complain - some kids have to live in the hospital for a year or more (cancer patients, etc) more about that later - so sad.  So I was wallowing in my sadness, then, like a gift from God a doctor came in to take the drainage tube out of Lincoln's BRAIN.  I love this type of stuff! Lincoln felt absolutely no pain so I ate this medical moment up.  When I asked the doctor if he wouldn't mind if I took pictures of him working over Lincoln he mentioned something like, "Oh yeah,  you're the one who wanted the pictures during surgery." Oh yes, my friend.  A person (hopefully) only goes through brain surgery ONCE and I intend on documenting it ALL ( lil-bit-o-coffee here).  Of course Lincoln agrees.

So the first shot is of the tube.  Then pulling it out.  His scar is in here somewhere and then tying the hole shut EXACTLY LIKE THEY DO AT BUILD-A-BEAR WORKSHOP.


  1. That is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SOOOOOO glad that is GONE!! I am sure that Lincoln is even happier! Wow. That is GREAT! It's also so nice to see my boys hair, as silly as that may sound.. it's just fantastic to see Lincoln to begin looking like Lincoln again :-)

  2. yea, and they even made the incision zig-zagged for cosmetic reasons. Do you think they do noses?

  3. Of course it has to be a zig-zagged scar, did you think SUPER HERO's get their powers from a plain old straight incision? Boy Lincoln, you will have to teach your parents about super powers and how they work. It won't be long now before you can come home, we cannot wait.

  4. Nice Bobbie!!! Love it! The zigzag of a superhero! Darn right! :)


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