More Thanks

Thank you to Aunt Janet for her famous cookies.
Thank you to the Lampmans for the delicious food.
Thank you to Mama B for the Poor Man's Soup.
Thank you to Kara for tracking down a washer and dryer.

I'm sure there are others that I've forgotten to thank.  Rest assured I will wake in the middle of the night to remember.


  1. YEAH YEAH PRASIE GOD. He is the greastest guide and listener !!!! Oh I am sooo glad friends have been able to get there!!! I havent been able to figure a way down but boy my arms will be wide!!!!open for you Lincoln. I tried calling rember my # give me a call. Get some ass kicking music to get you pumping. Then you can scream for all your worth. Love you Candy

  2. Dear Stephanie, Andy, Lincoln, and family-
    I am so thrilled to hear that through the tough time that yesterday dawned for you all, the sun shone through as the day progressed. I am certain that through continued prayers and prayerful interventions of family, friends and medical experts, Lincoln will perk up--maybe slowly, but he will- a little more each day.
    Be blessed this beautiful day. I look forward to hearing more news--Please hug Lincoln for me, and tell him that I have been taking very good notes for him in math class!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Roses are Red
    Violet are Blue
    I hope you are happy
    And not feeling blue.
    Love Isabelle


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