Okay...nerves are beginning to rise to the surface

but I will squash them like the wily little rodents that they are

It's 6:05


  1. Hi Stephanie,
    He's mostly through, and obviously no problems. You're in the home stretch, no worries now. Staying occupied? Eat a little something, preferably with chocolate.


  2. Chocolate....Alcohol....Whatever takes the edge off!!! :-)

  3. Hi Stephanie,
    This is Griffin, Amy's son. I was talking to Eva and she seems to be taking it very well. I think she knows everything will be OK. I wanted to let you know that we're all with you: me, my mom, my dad, and Ces.

    Best of luck and you're almost there,

  4. you 3 are so funny - andy just said, "man, they know you don't they." Actually, you'll all be surprised to know that i actually tried FASTING today in solidarity with Lincoln - it lasted until 2:30ish - little chocolate - but nothing stronger as far as chemicals go.... This home stretch is the hardest... I'm reading Chocolat - it helps. Andy suggested I take up smoking and then he suggested that they (whoever THEY are) put xanax in soda. He's a thinker, that man-o-mine ; )

  5. I agree with Amy!
    And remember to breathe.

  6. "You can do it Duffy Moon!"

    What incredible strength you have... you're like Aaanold Svwartseneger...
    and you're there to "pump us up!"


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