Monday evening

He ate like a ravenous pig! YIPPPPEEEE! He's looking a bit more Lincolnish now. We're crossing our fingers that this lasts because he's being weaned again off steroids and Motrin is now only 'as needed' - which means we're trying to stop this too. Here's to hoping. He still complains of a headache (8 on a scale of 1-10) and that's on lots of meds - but he's looking better today - even laughed (alright, small chuckle) at a few of my jokes. One time just to see if he was "in there" and to see if he would give some kind of reaction, I asked him, "Are you going to be alright if I go outside to have a cigarette?" HAHAHHAAHHA I'm still laughing about it. His head whipped right around because of course he knows that his mother does not smoke. Maybe if I throw out a few more of those 'absurdities' then maybe he'll start hearing me and stop treating me like I sound like Charlie Brown's teacher ("Waaa Waaa wa wa wa"). We're going for a walk because I had Starbucks frappuccino ice cream and an rarin' to go! (hey he just said, "Um Mom. ...It's time to release the Kraken" - he's coming back to me! More on this later - must stop typing and locate the hand urinal!)


  1. I am praying for Lincoln everyday, very intently. Can you tell him that I cannot wait to come to Greeneville and see him and we can talk all about planet X and zombies? He is an amazing kid. :)

    (Ms. Lucente's daughter)

  2. we are so happy things are looking up. would have loved to see the look on his face when you said the cigarette thing steph..too funny!
    java, guiness and louis miss you, we had quite a romp in the neighborhood today! and now we are three little stuffed piggies courtesy mama b! thankyou for the yummy eats! eva has big fat belly and turning in for night( kort too).they say goodnight Lincoln and keep up the great work!!!

  3. Lincoln what super news looks like you had guite a busy day. Breath it will empower you and calm you wich ever you need. YOU LOOK SO MUCH OLDER WOW kEEP ON WORKING AND HEALING!!! lOVE YOU cANDY

  4. Just remembered, the steroids create appetite... but what it doesn't do is create thirst.. and Lincoln HAS BEEN drinking a LOT more! That's great because that's HIM, not the steroids. We watched Hancock tonight (I'm commenting at oh, neat! it's midnight.. 4/20??) and Lincoln LAUGHED --at the funny parts.. It's a good Superhero movie.. but not a typical superhero movie.. Anyway, today was better than yesterday!

  5. Hooray! I am loving all this great news! Keep it up Lincoln, Miss Candy is driving me nuts without you around here! I am praying all the time for your speedy recovery! Love to you and your family, Carla

  6. I don't understand this profile thing~I am so blog challenged. Carla


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