This is no wimpy little Harry Potter scar!

I don't know if this is too much to post here, but I know some of you asked about Lincoln's scar. This photo doesn't show it in its entirety, but you definitely get the idea. I made a quick count/estimate and ended at 63.. that's just a ball-park. There are a LOT of strong little kids up here... the little boy in the next bed cries terribly many times throughout the day and night.. in Spanish, so sad.. he's such a cutie too, which makes your heart break for the little guy every time he has whatever regularly scheduled painful procedure it is... I'd say he's about three years old. Such a CUTE little voice! And I think he's so sharp because he speaks Spanish (I never claimed to be the brilliant one in the family! Although, I think my greatest competition might come from Louie! Just kidding! My kids ARE brilliant! Ok.. this is me on sleep deprivation, etc... I think I'll quit before I get myself hurt... and go read some news) Have a great Saturday Everyone! Monday is coming (so weird to look forward to a Monday)!!!


  1. Wow, that's impressive.

    Once it is totally healed you can rub lavender oil on it daily and it lessens the scar. I used it on my scars behind my ears after my surgeries. It also has the bonus calming effect that you know of.


  2. Wow! Kara is up early!! Milking the goats for breakfast milk?

  3. And trimming the wheat fields for cereal...

    Morning all!

    Well, Lincoln IS a Superhero! xxoo

  4. Ha Ha, this site is behind by 3-4 hrs. Couldn't let Kara get to much praise. XO

  5. Lincoln, as so many people have said, you are an amazing super Hero. What can we bring you when we visit? Something special just not a car XXOO

  6. Hey! I am up early! lol and the goats are very happy gave me enough milk for that all wheat hard cereal the kids love it, its great for keeping them regular.
    Off to get my eggs now from my chickens.

  7. Dont forget to feed & brush the horse.


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