First Few Minutes in PICU

He's swollen, of course... could increase for the next day or two.. that's normal... then it will go down. I held his hand an spoke to him.. told him that it was all a great success, and that he probably feels like doo-doo, and that's expected... but he did an AWESOME job!! I was telling him how GINORMOUSLY proud of him that we are ..AND HE SQUEEZED MY HAND!!! He tried moving his head toward me.. soooo darn cute! He is so amazing! And Steph got on the other side of him and was speaking to him and he LIFTED HIS HEAD to try to speak!! The PICU nurse just told us that he'd be totally out of it for at least 6 hours! But they are feeling quite good b/c Lincoln woke for Drs Weiner & Harter.. but he DEFINITELY moved his head to forward and looked as if he wanted to talk :) A few minutes later, while laying our hands on him and talking.. he put his head forward again..and OPENED HIS EYES!! He's SUCH a TROOPER!! We, of course, told him to sleep! Just sleep and relax!!! Everything is really looking good, Folks :) Cell phones and computers aren't allowed to even be turned on in the PICU, so our posts will be infrequent for the next 12 hours or so.. Oh-- you'll all be sleeping for a big chunk of that!! Duh!! Ok.. going to upload the pics we have... Peace and Love to you ALL!


  1. "All I am, or can be, I owe to my angel mother." Abe Lincoln

  2. "The probability that we may fail in the struggle, ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just." Abe Lincoln

  3. WOW...Im trying to hold back the tears... he is braver then I think Ill ever be

  4. We are all so happy that he is doing so well. Joseph asks if you could let Lincoln know that he can not wait to see him. Try to get some rest and give Lincoln our love. We could not be happier with the news!!

  5. Thank you!!!!
    I cant imagine how happy you guys are to be able to see him and touch him and just be with him.

  6. give Lincoln our love
    love ms lucente and susan

  7. Hi Lincoln! I have been thinking about you all day. I am glad to read the good news on the blog. I walked by your house today and your dogs "greeted" me as I walked by, especially the gray one. Hello to mom and dad. Sending love to all of you.
    Mrs. Persico

  8. So glad the surgery is over and it went well. You are all so funny (especially the post about the mower man and all the Super Grover updates). Rest up Lincoln. You'll be back to your old tricks before you know it:)

    ~Mrs. Rossi

  9. So glad to hear (read) the great news! We'll keep the good energy flowing your way!
    - Gina


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