Saturday Morning

Good morning.
He's had a sponge bath, given by two large, formidable nurses assistants.  I started to give it to him myself and these two woman stood like WWF wrestlers on either side of the bed until it finally dawned on me that this was their job.  They told me to go take a shower myself, which I took exception to because, really, why?  Why bother?  So I left anyway.  When I came back this is what the big guy looked like, all warm and cozy in clean fleece pjs, smelling like Johnson's baby soap and lotion.  His nurse insists that he spends some time sitting up today.  Here he is.  Looking good, no?  And he' s even looking at the TV (ah, the things you wish for).  Next his teeth are getting brushed!  It's like Disney here!  This kid is having too much fun.  And then onto Oxycodone again because his pain is still pretty bad.


  1. I hope you did actually take a shower and aren't back to your "Olivia" days and the greasy head look! Thought I would add a bit of humor to your day! Lincoln looks very peaceful. I hope he has had a successful day. Hang in, Love to you all.

  2. you know, i was thinking of YOU when i wrote that!

  3. Joseph was so excited to see Lincoln. The high-five made his week!


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