We leave tomorrow!

Yes indeed, he's coming home.  We're all thrilled!  He starts outpatient therapy here on Tuesday.  Not to worry, we'll keep him very busy until then.  He is still a "fall risk" so I'm a bit worried about our overly excitable and often underfoot dogs, the stairs, uneven surfaces, solar eclipses... He takes the last of his steroids tomorrow, but remains on his antiepileptic meds for an undetermined amount of time.  He went all day today without any Motrin.  In short, HE LOOKS GREAT.  Between the steroids and the Boston Cream donuts, he must have gained at least 5 pounds.  You go pal!

We had wonderful visitors and one who even gave us a massage! (you're trying to figure this one out, aren't you?  You'll get no help from me ;) and others who brought dinner (sounds like a nice date, no?) And we met Bill, Jessica and Susan - and let me tell you Susan has beautiful skin!  (and she's a wonderful young lady).  I've tried all night to upload more videos and pictures - to no avail, sometimes Blogger stinks.  Holly, the gift was wonderful - and she found my "sweet" spot.  

Lincoln is sleeping now.  Our roommates are loud but he doesn't seem fazed.  He falls asleep to the "Rain Maker" app on my iphone (thanks Andy).  He was mad at me because  I left him alone for my massage.  He gave me the silent treatment when I got back, but since I'm so used to him not talking to me I had to ask for clarification.  But don't worry, we're cool now.  

So this is probably our last post from inside the walls of a hospital of one form or another.  You may be asking yourself, when is she ever going to address the BIG, the REAL issue here?  The issue being, WAS THE SURGERY SUCCESSFUL?  Well, Dear Reader, don't think we don't think about it day and night, but we're just too frightened to speak it.  So I'll whisper it...here goes...to answer your question of 
"Has Lincoln had a seizure since the surgery?" 
I will very quietly answer, 


  1. What a fabulous update!! So happy for you all!

  2. thanks Jen, I'll catch up with you sometime. Been crazy here. Thanks for all of your support. : )

  3. Congrats on so many fronts. I'm jealous of the Boston Cream Donuts......It has been so long for me....tell big L to have two for me!!!!

    Also, has anyone told you dear sister that you have a wonderful writing style? I predict that one day you'll be sitting next to Oprah on the tele discussing your recently released book about your experiences. Oh My!!!

    Congrats again.

    Mucho love


  4. Steph and Andy, this is such wonderful news!! Can't wait to see you guys and the kids and REALLY have a chance to talk. The video of Lincoln walking down the hall has brought tears to my eyes. Truly, truly amazing!!

    Much love,


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