Cousins Take Manhattan

and take ME out to lunch!

Ohhhh thank you, thank you soooo much!  

They gave Lincoln a superhero action figure that is called "Mr. Miracle".  Isn't that perfect?  Lincoln didn't seem all that impressed, but he's medicated.  So I pinched him and he did his best to feign excitement.  (No just kidding  - he didn't even fake being excited.  Ha ha - No,  I DID NOT PINCH HIM.  But under normal circumstances when he is healthy I certainly would have.)


  1. PROUD OF YOU TWO!!! You made it and I did not need to send a search party out to find you. Great job!!

  2. Wait, who went out to lunch with them???? Eva or Mom?

  3. Yes, we made it and didn't get lost once! I am so proud of us! It was a most enjoyable girls lunch out. Were going to explore the city a bit more, but when I noticed Stephanie yawning and trying to keep up with my walking the streets (that I learned go sideways while the Avenues go N and S) - Andy, I'm making the "A" symbol you taught me! I sure hope I am right...anyway, when I noticed the fatigue, we ceased walking and headed to the train station. We had a great time. That litte Eva knows her way around the city. I was very impressed with her, she is an amazing tour guide! I'm not so sure Lincoln was as excited to see us as we were to see him, but he did acknowledge that he has never heard of the "Miracle" Superhero we so proudly presented him with, we took that as a good sign. Can't wait to see them again. Love, Teri


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