
He's there. I just got home (8:50pm). Beer (I've missed you so) in hand - it is strictly medicinal - for my back ; ) We're all exhausted. It took a lot to get this boy up here! Visiting hours are from 4-8pm. Can't wait to see you all. Andy's spending the night with him now. Too tired to write much at all but do know I need to stay awake and alert to reconnect with a little blonde girl who often feels left out. She's at a school play but will be dropped off here in an hour or so.

An updated special thanks must go out to WHO(M)EVER CLEANED MY HOME. To the person/people responsible for taking care of our pets (dad and uncle bruce), to the people who've sent cards, the Maddens and the Cures for the Medugorje medals (yes 2! One for each of my children now). To Sue and Dan for musical advice. To Kara and Jeff for stocking the fridge ; ) and freezer, to Father Moyna for his generosity, to Jody and family for adopting my daughter a then taking her again on Sunday (and cleaning my house!), to Michelle for her free counseling, to mom for making the food to follow Eva, and of course ALL OF YOU who care/read/listen/comment/and give so much support.

Lincoln is doing well. He wasn't able to sleep today like he's used to - but hopefully he'll get a good night's sleep. Not only are the rooms much larger at Sunnyview, but the food is better too. Lincoln at so much ate dinner that he forgot all about his headache and complained that his stomach hurt. He asked me to rub it.
; )


  1. What wonderful news! Enjoy your medicinal beer! You have so many people who love you - and, everyone who knows your family is truly blessed. I've been following this beautiful post more closely than anything I can remember. I smile when I see Lincoln smile and hurt when your road dips down. It looks like you now can all take a collective sigh of relief. Enjoy each other!
    Lots of love,
    PS - I don't care what they say - I'M the one who cleaned your house and stocked your refrigerator and freezer.

  2. So glad to hear your half way home. Your friens are the best busy bees they are Lincoln is looking better and better. Little Miss Eva must be sooo happy its almost over and you will be togeather. Hugs +kisses.

  3. Back in Upstate, YAY! How long will Lincoln be at Sunnyview? I will have to make plans to get over one afternoon on my way home from work. Tough I have taken Austin there for appts, I have no clue where the patient rooms are. Let me know, you should ahve my email.


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