Ups and Downs

We were riding high, and then he puked.  As much as I'm going our of my mind here - I really have to give them credit.  Dr. Magill flew into gear.  Vitals were taken, strep cultures, blood drawn.  The hunch here is that the kid is SICK.  The steroids he's on supress the immune system and mask symptoms.  We're pretty sure he's been sick for quite some time...and we just didn't know it.  He has a fever now and white spots in the back of his throat.  I'll keep you posted.


  1. Oh my, well the prayers keep coming from all around. Our mantra here is "A healthy happy Lincoln"

    Sorry you aren't feeling great Lincoln, that stinks. We are sending you all our positive healing energy.

    Love you mucho



  2. I like that mantra. Thanks for the healing vibes. No Strep that we know of so far, but we do know he's sick. Ugghh.

  3. OH I really had a feeling but tought will you give it up So sorry to hear Lincoln is sick. Thank you so much for letting me spend time with him. Its amazing how esy the trip was because I read the signs and didnt have some one with me that lead me Mom and I worked as a team! LaterXOX

  4. I have a few questions if you don't mind.
    Why is Lincoln still on seizure meds? And will he have to be on them indefinitely? And what are the steroids for? Sorry for asking so many questions but I really don't know the answers and want to understand. Plus other people have been asking me. Hope Lincoln is feeling better today!!

  5. I have a few questions if you don't mind.
    Why is Lincoln still on seizure meds? And will he have to be on them indefinitely? And what are the steroids for? Sorry for asking so many questions but I really don't know the answers and want to understand. Plus other people have been asking me. Hope Lincoln is feeling better today!!

  6. (sent from my play e mail)

    OK, I will send more prayers... I'll even pay a visit to Sr. Jeanette and remind her too! Steph, stay strong sista, hand it over to the "Big Guy", read the little book about the Buddhist nun, e mail, call, eat more chocolate & know you are all soo LOVED! Healing prayer... I'm on it!

  7. Sorry for the double post!!! I can't delete it either! Doh!

    And I agree with Mary...more chocolate :)

  8. Darn! So sorry to hear that Lincoln is sick...those steriods are amazing when they are needed but they do cause trouble when trying to fight off infection. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. I hope to see you all soon!! <3 Denise

  9. kara - he stays on meds for a good long time for "prophylactive" purposes. After the trauma that his brain has just gone through no one wants him to suffer additional insults from a seizure. That's such a great question. I've known of this for a good long time but really never thought deeply about it - just know we're hoping for a day w/o meds. As for the steroids - they keep the swelling down in the brain. they're great at what they do but as we've all seen they supress the immune system so a virus snuck in without us noticing. Great questions - I'm sure there's someone out there who can answer a lot more knowledgeably than I can...I'd welcome it. When I see a dr I'll ask for a better answer to the AEDs (anti epileptic drugs).

    Oops this is Stef - for some reason I'm in Eva's account.


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