No Internet at Sunnyview yet

Lincoln is working very hard at his first day of "No guts, no glory" rehab! Ok, maybe it isn't quite like that... but to Lincoln, this is more difficult than any Boot Camp.
There isn't an internet connection for us at Sunnyview YET. Someone from "Rec" was supposed to be up to the room earlier today to simply give us a password... Hopefully they'll be there soon. Rest assured, Steph will be posting like the Dickens that she is as soon as she is able!
I found out today that Lincoln was nominated for the "Ernest Bell Award" at school.. Actually he won the award! It is given annually to the Most Improved Handicapped Student and he won! I read the nominating letter at my desk at work... oh boy... it was BEAUTIFUL!!! I will ask the woman who wrote the letter for permission to post it here so that you can see what Lincoln's Teachers feel about him :) (Believe it or not.. there are some amazingly wonderful people out there who aren't even related to me!)


  1. I was getting bummed that there were not as many posts as normal, what do I do with my spare time at work :)

    Hopefully we will come visit in May, now that you are a bit closer to our neck of the woods.

    WE love you all so much!!!

  2. Excellent Lincoln!!!!!! :)

    Can't wait to read the letter!

    So looking forward to more posts,
    Miss you all!

  3. IT is so awesome when someone else recognizes how special Lincoln is and how far and determined our SUPERHERO is, besides us his family.
    Lincoln is meant for great things in this life and that is why he was entrusted to two special parents, to guide and encourage him daily. We
    may never know in our lifetime,I'm too old, the "whys" or "whats " of Cole's role in our universe as we know it, but he will achieve great things and the world will never ever forget LINCOLN P. MURPHY.
    I LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK LINCOLN, congrats on the certificate.


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