Early Tuesday Encouragement

Good Morning Planet Xers! The young Neurosurgeon (I apologize for forgetting his name.. I'm terrible with names and there are a few thousand doctors and nurses here!) came in and said that Drs Weiner and Harter are confident that Lincoln's (Ok, I'm only paraphrasing here.. the doctor sounded more comfortable in his words.. I will sound like an idiot) recent affect and increased pain and all that was because of a common occurrence that involves the brain being relentlessly sensitized by blood and fluids in those areas where there used to be brain tissue. The blood and fluids that fill the space where there used to be brain irritate the brain tissue, causing inflammation and pain. After many different lab tests to rule out infection (all negative..a good negative) they assumed it was this irritation on his brain.. so they increased his steroids. Yesterday Lincoln's affect improved and he also was rating his pain as 7... or 8 (sounds pretty terrible to me! But L had been rating his pain at 18 etc. the day before).
SO... this kind young Neurosurgeon said that if L can maintain this recent improvement--mainly, keep his temp in check ( NO SPIKEY FEVERS!!!) he can transfer to Sunnyview on Thursday.
[PS... I just wanted to add that Dr. Singh just came in... and I wanted to say, as Steph has said in other posts, I think she totally ROCKS! If I was more in touch with my feelings I would say I LOVE that woman! Any way you say it, we are SOOOooo grateful for the Doctors here.. Singh and Devinsky, Weiner and Harter, Magill etc.... Yeah... They totally rock!]


  1. Here's to all the dream team Doctors and here's to Thursday!!

  2. Wow YAWhow What a wonderful post. What peace of mind when you have the best docotors there are and you feel that! I cant imgine the pain he has felt. Hugs to you all and Thursday sounds wonderful to come north. Candy


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