Just a Quick Note

The neurosurgeon team stopped by and helped out a lot.  Dr. Denatto (that's his first name, can't remember his last) said that it's like Lincoln was "stunned" so don't expect a lot out of him.  Dr. Harder said that he's "rebooting".  That's it!  That's visual that I needed.  His brain is rebooting.  That works for me.

Amy - All of your insights help so much.  Thanks so much and so glad that you've had a chance to meet so many of our family and friends - you're helping them too.  So glad that Griffin and Eva are talking.  It really helps her.

Lincoln just had a dose of Oxycodone.  Soon he'll be taking Percacet for the pain.  We're thrilled.  


  1. Hello to Lincoln (and everyone who loves him!)! It is so good to hear that things are moving along. I am so moved by the love between Eva and Lincoln and the strength that he gets from that love. Please know that ALL of you are in our prayers.

  2. Steph please thank the doctors for bringing this to us in words and visions we can understand. I hope this makes you feel better. How are you and Andy doing by the way? I am sending a big hug from me and your dad and just finished my conversation with U Tony and A Theresa. They ensured me they have their arms around Lincoln holding him tight and pouring their strength into him to make him as strong as they are and come home to us with super abilities to handle his therapies and than put us all through our paces.

  3. OH, that face, that beautiful little face! Thank you for sharing him with us. The bond between Lincoln and Eva is so special. I didn't realize I had so many emotions. I feel like I have been on an emotional ride between the nerves, the joy, and the love you have created with this blog. Can't wait to see you and that little thumb ring (not sure if you still wear it, but I see it in my head). Miss you dear cousin, you and your family have made me so proud! (Like I had anything to do with it..but I can pretend!) xxxooo

  4. OH, that face, that beautiful little face! Thank you for sharing him with us. The bond between Eva and Lincoln is so special, I love to see that. I didn't realize I had so many emotions. I feel like I have been on an emotional ride between the nerves, the joy, and the love you have created with this blog. It's been so enlightening. I hope the drugs help to bring Lincoln some comfort, and you and Andy too. I miss you dear cousin, can't wait to see you again and that little thumb ring of yours (not sure if you still even wear it, but I see it in my head) You and your family have made me so proud (like I had anything to do with it, but... I can pretend!) Love you, Teri

  5. LOVE TO YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Rebooting... I like that term also! He looks pretty good for a boy that has been threw so much! Give him our love and let him know that Joseph has been checking the blog every hour on the hour to see how he is doing. He keeps saying that Lincoln is the best friend he has evr had, and that he wishes he could help more. He keeps talking to everyone reminding them to send their prayers and strength Lincoln's way!For the past few days Joseph has been remembering all the fun that they have had together since K. As Jospeh said "We are buddies forever!". Keep your chin up and know that you all are never far from our thoughts. All our love and strength!

  7. -hello how are you doing? Amelia

    -hello everybody. Hope your feeling better. How was your easter? Ours was good. See you in a few weeks. Olivia


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