
Lincoln had visitors again today.  This time his dad brought down Eva and Papa T.  Lincoln perked right up for his guests and even said an endearing, “Hello Idiot." to his sister.  Ahh, the love.  In the picture with Eva he’s giving a thumbs up.  You can see in both pictures that the left side of his face is partially paralyzed.  We all took him for a walk and he was great!  I feel very encouraged now.  Dr. Weiner came in and Andy showed him the video of Lincoln walking.  He was thrilled, said lots and lots of great things about Lincoln’s recovery.  When he looked at Lincoln’s scar he said, “Ooh that’s BEAUTIFUL,” like when a guy admires a really beautiful car.  It was all so cute to see and so encouraging.  All signs point to us going to the rehab part of the hospital tomorrow.

It was great to hug and kiss  Cookie.  It was hard to say goodbye.  She’ll be coming to stay with us soon.  We’re going to try to keep the family together now.
I took Eva to the same greenhouse that we took Lincoln to.  We had to leave because Eva was afraid of the birds.

Thank you to Aunt Kara, Uncle Jeff and the girls for EVERYTHING.  And Lincoln thanks you for his tie dye muscle shirts.


  1. BEAUTIFUL picture of brother and sister!!
    You too Terry.

    Your welcome Lincoln! The girls are happy you like them. Sorry for any that look pink the red totally faded! lol

    love love love to all of you fine Murphy's!

  2. Hi Lincoln this is Cat
    i am glad that you and your sister are happy.
    And I am glad that you are out if surgery.
    I thought you would like your tiedye shirts and you did
    you and Eva look really happy in that photo.
    Love Cat

  3. Hi Lincoln this is Isabelle
    I am glad you are out of surgery too I want to see you soon
    you looked really happy to see Eva I really wanted to meet your cats but they wouldn't come out of the barn
    your room is cool
    I love you
    love Isabelle

  4. OH OH what apicture Evas smile I Dont think Ive ever seen a more beautiful smile and brother and sister. Rick and I are ooo happy for you all.


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