
He's holding his donut.
He's wearing a new hat.

Ahhhh the healing power of sugar.  That was part of it, we discovered: he didn't have enough sugar in his blood.  Once he was given an IV bag of sugar water (hummingbird food - my term not theirs) he started eating.  Of course I get him what he's craving (boston cream donut and decaf light and sweet).  Now between the sugar bag and the Dunkin Donuts he's in a food coma.  But he was eating...a few bites, but it's a beginning.


  1. That is a great thing to see. I have never seen a better looking donut in my life. Lincoln looks great! Sugar is a good thing!

  2. Hi brave family. Don't know how you watch all of the nitty gritty, I couldn't watch (or listen to the) thwuuurp of the tube-coming-out-of-the-brain event (and did it four times.. not fun even once).

    Remember Jean-Marie well. The quintessential New Yorka. Have you had Joe? He's fun, will laugh at all jokes.

    Did you smartly steal ear plugs from the MRI room when they left you alone with Lincoln in there? I'd stuff my pockets to use back in the room especially with oblivious neighbors. So sorry you have to go through that. Ask a nurse to dig some up for you.

    Hey, have you run into one of my students, Christian? He is 7 and has been on the ward for a week or so. He and his family are from Mexico, he does not speak. They are having a terrible time controlling his seizures. If you see him and his remarkable parents please say hello from Amy from school.

    You have such wonderful friends and loving family. You are an inspiration.

    Hang in,
    Amy S. and family

  3. Wow! He looks GREAT!! He's looking at the camera with both eyes! Donut in hand!! YOU ROCK LINCOLN!!! (You're pretty darn cool too, Mama Twiggy!)

  4. Im glad to see hes eating his donut and recovering he has been in my thoughts and i cant wait until i can see the picture of him back at home and i bet you cant either. Your family is so strong and I know that everything is going to go great! I Love You All and Lincoln you are braver then i could ever hope to be :)

    Love and miss you guys,

  5. Hi all - no amy, no Christian, but ill look. I can't believe you've been through this FOUR times. You deserve a medal. I do have earplugs but i just need to be able to hear Lincoln - he pees all the time bc of the iv and i need to be there with the urinal - although once i slept though it and Girlie (remember her?) took care of him. I guess life goes on when i'm not there to micromanage

    Hi T!!!!

  6. Lincoln you look awesome. Way to go! Hey man, you could be the new advertising campaign for Dunkin Donuts :-)!!!!!!

  7. wow, i will say it again, amazing! I am so thankful you have this wonderful blog so we can all see how strong and beautiful he is. The thing is as i read i may tear up, (because i am the crybaby of the family) but then i will read on and i start to laugh. People are so kind and you all have so much love, but your humor is the best. Of course i grew up with Andy so i know he is pretty funny. And Stephanie is hysterical too, thoroughly entertaining. But it is such a beautiful thing to see it here. I know i could never be as strong as you two and i sure as heck could never have humor through hard things. it is so healing it is wonderful. SO glad you got a laugh from Lincoln. He looks so fantastic. I will stop with the novel now, i just want to tell you all how proud i am to be a part of your family. i love you -Andy, Stephanie, Lincoln and Eva - very much!!!!

  8. Lincoln, it was so awesome to get up this morning and see you sitting up in bed, holding a donut! I'm looking forward to hearing what will happen next! Stephanie, I can appreciate the extreme hassles of a loud roommate TV. I agree that the solution is largely: earplugs + prayers for patience. (+ maybe bringing them a cup of tea/bottle of water/decaf coffee - sometimes they haven't fully appreciated that there is even someone else in the room - crazy, I know). All of you are amazing!

  9. Hummingbird food, I love it & did you know that when you're growing Butterflies, you feed them sugar water too... When Erin was born, Krissy said, (about the little sugar water bottles), "She eats like the butterflies do". Maybe Lincoln's metamorphosis needed a boost from D & D.

    And... Laurie, h e l l o - I'm the crybaby of the family... duh.
    Although, today it's happy tears. Lincoln looks better everyday.
    Steph, you're starting to sound a lot like a female "House", maybe 'cause you're married to his look-a-like. But Andy's WAY funnier than House! Love you all!

  10. Hey Lincoln, we are all going to go and get donuts right now, to celebrate with you!!! Believe it or not, I actually rented School of Rock for us to watch the other night, in honor of The Murphy's! Jack Black Rocks! Any other recommendations?
    We all miss you and your family.....Thomas is fascinated with your pictures!

  11. Hi all of you!! No seizures...i'm almost afraid to say it - like I'm afraid to say that we're in a room to ourselves - afraid of jinxing us. and lol Laurie and Marie - I'd have to say that you're just about tied with the tears - ha ha so funny - i'll start keeping a tally and let you know. ; )

    J - Told you school of Rock is awesome!

    love you all tooooooo much!

  12. Highly descriptive post, I enjoyed that bit.
    Will there be a part 2?

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