4/19, 12:50pm

Lincoln is sleeping now. He just ate lunch (about 2 Tbs of "mashed potatoes", a spoonful of soup broth and 2/3 of a small milk) and it knocked him out! Exactly like my Thanksgiving Dinner intake and effect...
I brought Eva home yesterday (we took the s-l-o-w train to Po-town and drove home from there) and she is staying with Kort & Kompany... (Thank you!!!) and going to school! I returned last night at 9:35. When Eva and I left, we left a sullen and listless Lincoln.. when I returned he was a different boy. He was trying to get back to sleep (having slept all day --FINALLY-- it was hard for him to return) but he laughed at my silly jokes and at his Mom (in general)... asked me to "keep doing what you're doing" (a five-word sentence!!) when I asked if he wanted me to stop rubbing his back and leave him alone.. 
He did a great job this morning in therapies (according to Steph.. I was busy over-sleeping until 9 at the hotel, then running frantically to get our laundry to the cleaner BEFORE 9 so that it's ready tonight!) and then we saw Dr Magill while Lincoln was on the Tilt Table:

(note the difference between the left and right... can't wait to see that smile return completely! When I cover one side at a time, I can see the happy, smiling, fun Lincoln.. He IS still here! And then I see the way he feels right now... well, that's what it looks like... but it isn't a purposeful expression... it really is getting hard to remain upbeat when our hearts are just breaking more and more... I mean, we ARE hopeful, and expect the greatest outcome.. it just ..I don't know... breaks my heart.. I guess that's the best way to say it... not much of a description, but I think we all know exactly what a broken heart feels like... OoooKaaay... Oprah's on at FOUR, darn it! Lincoln IS doing well... He IS smiling more... He IS my boy! That's ... that's ALL that matters..)

Dr Magill said that Lincoln is feeling better today probably due to the re-upped steroids and the Motrin. They both work to reduce inflammation and ease the pain, supposedly. The problem is that they also can "mask" anything that might be wrong.. and Motrin can be dangerous if he has a fall and bleeds in the head.. I guess it interferes with platelet formation.. obviously that's not cool... So we are going to reduce Motrin (Tylenol did NOTHING for his pain, and Dr Magill urged us to Google "Tylenol Induced Headaches"... Tylenol can CAUSE headaches!) and soon we will be reducing steroids again, because it's necessary. We are all hoping that increasing the steroids and Motrin and letting him sleep all day yesterday gave Lincoln what he needed... a chance to REST and to FEEL GOOD, and when we reduce steroids, he will be healed enough to continue feeling well--at least not feel soooo much pain... He smiled a bit when he saw the cover of Rolling Stone that I just got for him.. if you didn't know, Lincoln is a HUUUGE Black Eyed Peas fan! (as are we all! If you don't move to their music, you just ain't right!) Maybe somebody out there knows Fergie or Will.i.am, etc, and can send them here to raise my..er..Lincoln's spirits!  ;)


  1. Hi to you all Love that smile ,was so glad to hear he was able to sleep. Wish I knew more about the music world. Rick took two walks todat @ 2miles and the up to Right Aid the back way not sure what that is. We will keep sending super energy your way Please give my guy hugs and Ill be here for his back rubs. Candy

  2. I have been thinking of all of you! Love that smile and hope to see it again in school soon.
    "IMMABEE" keeping you in my thoughts-keep smiling!

  3. I gotta feeling... that tonight's gonna be a good night, that tonight's gonna be a good good niighht!


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