Ups and Downs

Well, sadly, it was short lived.  The headache is back because the steroids have been decreased.  He has a huge stomach ache because the stomach meds have been changed, and he has no appetite again.  He wants to sleep and can't.  He's miserable.  He doesn't even want to watch TV.  Elmo plays night and day from our neighbor through the curtain.  Forget this @#$%, we're going outside!  The sun should do him good.


  1. At the very least, for a brief moment you got to see that the real Lincoln (the one you know and love and miss sooooo much (with no pain) is really there, and that once they get all the medical stuff that they have to do in order, you will have him back again. That must give you some comfort.

  2. Oh, I really don't know what to say other than how happy I was this morning to see Lincoln looking and acting like the Lincoln you know him to be. As Patti said, he is in there, once all this gets straightened out, he will be there again. Will continue to send him (and you and Andy) tons of strength and much, much Love. Teri.

  3. Hi guys! I watched the videos of Lincoln this morning, chuckling to myself ("release the Krakin!") and was amazed by his progress. YOUR BOY IS THERE!! Every one of us wishes we could take his pain, and would in a heart beat! Your docs will get his meds straightened out.

    Hang in there, we love you,

  4. YOUR BOY IS THERE!! I watched the videos this morning, chuckling to myself ("release the Krakin!") and was amazed by him!

    His docs seem wonderful and will get his meds straightened out.

    Hang in there, we love you,


  5. OMG!!! This is why I'm a reader and not a writer. Not good w/technology!


  6. ha ha - Alicia - i do the same thing! Thanks you guys - love you all sooo much.

  7. You've all got my love, thoughts and prayers.

  8. "THE BEST IS YET TO COME"! Just like the Lincoln we have always loved, he will do things "in his time". He has been through so much in eleven short years and conquered them all (and so have you),like Patti said once the meds and all are adjusted he will be back.

  9. I so enjoyed watching the videos of Lincoln and all the pictures you post. They make you believe he will be can see "fine" when you look at his face. Stephanie, you sound so overwhelmed. You should call my Kristin, she lives on 34th Street. Go to her apartment and drink wine with her...that always helps, right???? Love you all --Jackie

  10. Seeing all those pictures of family there really makes me wanna jump on a flight and go see you all. I keep you in my thoughts all the time I Love You and i love that the internet allows all of us to stay updated :)

  11. hi Jackie - thanks so much for the invite and thank you for thinking of us.
    : )


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