A Girl's Day

At a little coffee shop (they use organic milk).

We found Bugsy in the street.  This is his owner, she reads palms.  We figured it was a 'sign' so we doled out the cash.  I am going to have four kids, Eva will have three.  I am going to work in the health care field.  I will meet someone at my new job whose name begins with 'A'.  She will be a good influence in my life.  I have had a stressful year but it's going to get better.  Both Eva and I will live to mid or late eighties.


  1. Oh I thought the Hampster did your readings but no the lady did right? All thou hampsters have tru animal insight OH thats right it would be for other animals but mayyyyyybe he was a medium in a other life Eva what do you think?

  2. Well, I guess congratulations are in order then for the 2 more kids you are having! Twins do you think, or one at a time? Lincoln has to get better and home soon so his parents can work on their next project! Get some rest tonight and Andy, keep the snoring to a low roar. :o) Love you all tons. Can't wait to see you. Denise

  3. Hi you two -
    Candy - your gift bag was BRILLIANT. Prunes and flaxseed - they are perfect!!

    Denise - I cannot stand how much I miss you. I can't quit you - we need to put your little face on the blog like "where's waldo"

    love you both tons!

    (btw - this is steph - but wouldn't it be funny if it really was 'big daddy andy' who wrote it? ha ha


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