
Hi everyone.  No good news here.  He had an mri this morning.  There might be some swelling or infection.  We're waiting for neurosurgery to come tell us the results of the mri.  We're also waiting for him to go for a chest x-ray tonight.  He just had a whole new set of blood work drawn.  His temp was 101.4 - that's considered a big deal.  They're looking for the cause.  He is sick but know one knows why.

Happy news:  Uncle Chuck vistited today.  He spent a good long time so Andy and I could take Eva out and give her some much needed attention.  It was great to see him again...but we're not sure who slept more today, Lincoln or Uncle Chuck.  (Sorry Chuckie, cats out-o-the-bag.  ; )


  1. Prayers are with you all

  2. Sending love and positive thoughts...get better soon Lincoln. Stay strong!!

  3. Very discouraging, but Lincoln's in good hands, so it shouldn't be long before things are good.
    Lots of love to you all.

  4. Sorry to hear that! I hope that he starts to feel better soon! Let us know if there is anything else we can do. Joseph had the play on friday, but the first thing he said to us was that it was not as great as it could have been because Lincoln was missing. Let him know that we are sending him (and you all,)all of our strength and love!

  5. I will let him know what Joseph said about the play. I bet it was wonderful. Thanks for the encouragement, everyone. He feels pretty bad.. : (


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