
Just because we haven't talked about God much doesn't mean that we don't believe.  It's personal and everyone worships in their own way.  I could NEVER have gotten through this or Lincoln's birth ( and Eva's for that matter) without a devout faith in my God.  So now, with EVERY cell in my body, I am chanting, "Thank you, God.  Thank you, God..."  And thank you to all of you.  He's in and out of sleep and the catheter hurts him.  One  eye deviates to the right but this should fix itself. He's not very happy or comfortable, but he's alive and he looks good.  He is the perfect birthday present for his mama ( with Miss Cookie as my sweet cake).  Life is good and we are so very BLESSED.  Thank you all so much again.  I haven't seen the news or read a paper since Sunday but I know that there are miners and their families that need our prayers.  Thank you for giving to when so many others need so much.

Lincoln just tried to hug me in his drugged stupor.  He found that he couldn't lift his left arm so he tried lifting it with is right hand.  His head hurts,he cries a little, and he called me "Mama".  I can't remember the last time he called me that.  Just in this short amount of time his eye is beginning to match the other one.  He's going to be great....What am I talking about? He IS great!  And we are so unbelievably BLESSED.

Good night, we love you all!
A hundred million Thank Yous!


  1. Yes the blessings we all have are breath taking.
    I just want you and Andy to know that I think you are the most amazing parents! Having Eva here this week has been such a gift for the girls and Jeff & I. She is an angel and I will miss her greatly when we bring her home.
    I see where Lincoln gets his strength and courage from you both.
    Happy early birthday! :)
    love you all more than you will ever know!!

  2. Thinking of you all with love-
    Kelly Clark (now Moncure)

  3. Now that I have finally stopped crying and can thing coherently for the first time in days, I (grandma Bobbi) want to thank you, the followers, for your prayers, thoughts,words and good vibes :-) you offered on the Murphy's (especially Lincoln's) behalf. Thank you also to the wonderful team of doctors, nurses, and medical personnel for doing your job in keeping our SUPER HERO safe. And to our heavenly Father for giving him back to us for the second time, the first being immediately after his birth, in his short eleven+ years. But most especially, thank you Stephanie & Andy for giving us this most beautiful gift of life you named LINCOLN, and for being the most extraordinary parents, son and daughter I, being your parent, too have been so blessed with. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETHEART, I love you (BOTH) with every breath of my being.THANK YOU LINCOLN FOR BEING THE BEST AND BRAVEST GRANDSON (AND SUPER HERO), WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU AND LOVE YOU "TO THE MOON AND BACK!"

  4. I don't know how many times i will say that you four are the most amazing family, and i strive to be as good a parent as both of you - i of course may never make it, but it is a lofty goal. I have been so proud to show this blog and talk about you guys to so many people. My heart is overflowing, and i am so thankful. I also have not been a praying person much(until this) lately, but i do believe that God, or as Jordan says "whatever Gods of Goddesses may be around" have blessed your brave, strong boy and you and the whole team that is so lucky to be able to take care of him.

    Happy, happy birthday Stephanie. Love you so much.

  5. Praying for a quick recovery. I'll keep checking in today.

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess it's Stephanie's birthday today, so Happy Birthday!!

  6. Happy Birthday Steph! May it be a great day in all ways for all of you.
    More love and prayers for the SuperHero guy...and his Power Parents.

  7. Hey "Murphy" soul sisters! And a beautiful Happy Birthday to you! You know you could write a book with all of your brilliant material. I am awestruck by your strength, courage & grace!! I feel like I have also said the word amazing over and over... Well, it's true - you all are! I too have the chant on a loop...Thank you God, Thank you God! Miracles happen everyday! Have a Wonderful Birthday as you experience a new "rebirth" in your family! I Love You Steph xoxo

  8. Happy Birthday my dear cousin! What a wonderful gift to know that your brave Super Hero is on his way to greatness! I have said it before, but I need to say it again, I am in awe with the way both you and Andy have handled every aspect of Lincoln’s life since the day he was born. I, too, believe that there is a God orchestrating life and he knew that Lincoln would be in good hands when he gave him to you. The patience and stamina that you continue to endure is admirable. All of this, as you continue to keep true to yourself and your beliefs. By sharing your thoughts, and of course, that humor both you and Andy possess, you have given all of us that love you the gift of being a part of this journey in your life. Thank you! Love, Teri

  9. I too, would just like to say, THANK YOU GOD, and Dr.'s Weiner & Harter! I think there has been a collective sigh of relief. Just want you to know that prayers are still coming your way Andy, Steph, Eva & especially for you Lincoln! You are truly my SUPERHERO!

    Happy Birthday Stephanie, what a wonderful gift your received!


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