Sundry Photos and Videos

One of the escapes, getting sprayed by the East River.

In "Long Sit".  He's required to sit like this for thirty minutes everyday.  It stretches his muscles, etc.

Dr. Magill.  I regret that we don't have a better picture.  He is another one of the NYU rockstars.  We love, love, love this man.  (And he's funny - that never hurts)

Dressing yesterday

Long sit today


  1. So nice to see you smiling Lincoln! I love that you are wearing Eva's shirt heeheehee.
    And super job getting dressed!

    Can't wait to see you soon in your own home!

    Sending lots of love your way.

    Kara & Family

  2. OK, Lincoln...tell know....that it was exactly 27 seconds!!!What's all this 30 seconds.."I didn't start the stopwatch correctly" stuff!!!!

    Yes the smile is good. So expressive. Hugs

    The Guncles (get it?)ponder that one...Geoff and I just came up with it. LOVE


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