Mama B and Candy Visit

So good to see them!
(Thank you for making the trip and for your motherly pep talks)


  1. Great visit, I was so proud of his therapy sessions. The aid said "He is the strongest boy I have ever worked with", climbing stairs and harder still, coming down stairs, breathing to calm himself down (thanks Monica for reminding him how to breath).
    But Steph are you going to take our advice and do at least half of what we said???? PLEASE???? ANDY YOU LET ME KNOW.
    Glad you three got out for a few hours, it did me wonders (Candy too) to see him and that beautiful smile for ourselves.

  2. Oh dont we make agreat picture the 3 of us. Lincoln tou did a super power job with the stairs and walking just imgine when you are feeling your self what you will be doing. Moma I sure hope you heard us . When I got home I thought back a few years and remebered where some of that came from its probly you too.. But you will find alttle peace if you do allow help in all ways. And your engery will soar and you will soar and and XOX


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