Visitors Bearing Food

Ahhh, food...real food...good food, hot food and cold food, food, food, food...

Thank you for the wonderful visit Ms. Lucente, Mrs. Groudons and the Beautiful Miss Susan.  We gorged ourselves on the black and white cookies!

To the culinary gifted at home, thank you for filling our fridge.  I'm not sure what's happening from my perch up here but I hear (I know) that you are all wonderful.  Thank you so much.  Andy is exhausted, my job right now is easy.  Thank you for taking care of him.

...and thank you, Mrs. Gray, for the contents of the red bag... my boys need "bridal shower" training.

Thank you to the kids in Lincoln's class for the cards and the school shirt with all of your names on it.  Lincoln is wearing it today. It's beautiful.  He hasn't read through your cards yet because they keep him so darn busy up here (which I love, he doesn't.  But he will soon.  Thank you so much.  : )


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